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Shale Shakers: Cov cuab yeej tseem ceeb hauv Drilling Fluids Processing

2024-06-25 10:54:31 dr hab

Shale shakers yog thawj theem ntawm cov khoom siv tswj cov khib nyiab hauv cov kua dej ua haujlwm. Lawv tseem hu ua cov khoom tseem ceeb tswj cov khoom siv hauv cov av nkos, vim lawv ua lub luag haujlwm tseem ceeb hauv kev txiav txim siab kev ua haujlwm ntawm tag nrho cov khib nyiab tswj.

AIPU Shale Shakers: Advanced Technology thiab Customization
AIPU Khoom Tswjhwm muaj ntau yam ntawm shale shakers, suav nrog ob chav shakers thiab triplicate shakers mounted ntawm ib qho kev sib tw. Peb kuj muab qhov tsim nyog txuas manifolds. Txhawm rau ua kom tau raws li qhov xav tau ntawm peb cov neeg siv khoom, peb muab ob lub cim thib peb kab tawm suab shale shakers thiab thib plaub tiam sib npaug elliptical shale shakers.

h18 twg

AIPU Hunter-MG Series Linear Motion Shale Shakers
Peb AIPU Hunter-MG series linear motion shale shakers suav nrog cov thev naus laus zis thoob plaws ntiaj teb, ua ke nrog peb tus kheej tsim qauv tshiab. Qhov no ua tiav series ntawm shale shakers yog tsim los ua kom tau raws li qhov sib txawv ntawm peb cov neeg siv khoom. Cov neeg siv khoom tawm tswv yim tsis tu ncua qhia qhov zoo ntawm peb cov shale shakers, suav nrog:
● Kev ua haujlwm siab G-force
Wide screen cheeb tsam
Compact qauv

Nta thiab txiaj ntsig ntawm AIPU Hunter-MG Series Linear Motion Shale Shakers:
Patented adjustable shale shaker lawj lub kaum sab xis rau kev ua haujlwm zoo
Patented roj hmab sealing rau lub neej ntev thiab kev hloov pauv yooj yim
Kev kho cua sov ntawm tag nrho shale shaker lawj rau kev ua haujlwm siab G-force
Pretensioned shale shaker cov ntxaij vab tshaus rau kev hloov pauv ceev thiab ua tau zoo
Lub npe nrov vibration motors nrog IEC Ex, ATEX, thiab UL ntawv pov thawj
Cov khoom siv hluav taws xob zoo los ntawm Siemens thiab Schneider
Kev xaiv pub noj yooj yim (Weir Feed, Top Feed, thiab Hopper Feed) kom haum rau cov ntawv thov sib txawv

AIPU Shale Shakers rau Drilling Fluids Solids Control
AIPU shale shakers yog qhov tseem ceeb rau kev tshem tawm cov laum txiav los ntawm cov kua dej thaum lub sijhawm ua haujlwm thiab kev ua haujlwm drilling. Lawv tau tsim los cais cov tho kev txiav (khoom) los ntawm cov dej drilling kom nws tuaj yeem rov qab rov qab rau hauv qhov dej. AIPU muaj ntau yam ntawm shale shakers rau drilling av khib nyiab tswj hauv cov roj thiab roj zoo drilling ua haujlwm.

AIPU: Koj Trusted Shale Shaker Chaw Tsim Tshuaj
Raws li lub tuam txhab ua lag luam ntawm drilling av nkos shale shakers, AIPU Khoom Tswjhwm xa tawm peb cov khoom siv rau cov teb chaws thoob ntiaj teb, suav nrog Is Nrias teb, Russia, thiab Middle East. Tiv tauj peb hnub no kom paub ntau ntxiv txog peb cov shale shakers thiab lawv yuav ua li cas thiaj li pab tau koj txoj haujlwm drilling.