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Khoom Tswjhwm Centrifugal Pump

Centrifugal twj tso kua mis yog dav siv nyob rau hauv tag nrho cov drilling av nkos system. Los ntawm tag nrho cov khib nyiab tswj qhov system, nws yog siv los ua lub twj tso kua mis mus ncig, lub twj tso kua mis desander, lub twj tso kua mis desilter, sib tov twj tso kua mis, lub twj tso kua mis them, thiab lwm yam. Aipu muab tag nrho cov kab centrifugal twj siv nyob rau hauv drilling av nkos system.

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Centrifugal twj tso kua mis yog dav siv nyob rau hauv cov khoom tswj system. Sab hauv cov av nkos, Nws tuaj yeem nyob ua ntej de-sander, de-silter thiab av nkos ntxuav kom hloov cov av nkos rau hauv chav tsev cua daj cua dub, nruab rau lub jut av nkos chav tsev raws li cov av nkos sib xyaw. Rau sab nraud ntawm cov av nkos, lub twj tso kua mis centrifugal tuaj yeem siv los ua lub twj tso kua mis tawm mus rau cov av nkos ntxiv hauv qab qhov dej thiab lub twj tso kua mis supercharging los hloov cov dej drilling mus rau qhov siab siab rig av nkos twj tso kua mis.

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Nta ntawm APSB centrifugal twj tso kua mis

Kev ua haujlwm ruaj khov

● Cov ntaub ntawv raw thiab zoo
nruj thiab exquisite painting tiav txheej txheem

● Cov khoom siv hluav taws xob zoo, ua kom cov tub ntxhais zoo
● Cov khoom seem tsawg dua
● Kev ua haujlwm yooj yim nrog kev saib xyuas tsawg dua
● Hloov pauv tau nrog MISSION Magnum series

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Centrifugal twj tso kua mis technical parameters


Tus nqi ntws

Lub taub hau

Hwj chim


Kev ua tau zoo

SIB 8X6-14

320 m³ / h

40m ua

75 kwb

1480rpm ua


SIB 8X6-13

240 m³ / h

33m ua

55 kwv

1480rpm ua


SIB 8X6-12

200 m³ / h

33m ua

45 kwb

1480rpm ua


SIB 6X5-13

180 m³ / h

34m ua

45 kwb

1470rpm ua


SIB 6X5-12

160 m³ / h

30 m

37 kwg

1470rpm ua


SIB 6X5-11

120 m³ / h

21m ua

30 kwg

1470rpm ua


PAB 5X4-12

90 m³ / h

30 m

22 kwv

1460rpm ua


SIB 4X3-13

50 m³ / h

40m ua

15 kwv

1460rpm ua


SIB 4X3-12

45 m³ / h

30 m

11 kwv

1460rpm ua


SIB 3X2-12

23 m³ / h

29m ua

7,5 kwv

1450rpm ib


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Lus Cim: Specifications ntawm 50HZ


Tus nqi ntws

Lub taub hau

Hwj chim


Kev ua tau zoo

SIB 8X6-12

335 m³ / h

43m ua

75 kwb

1780rpm ua


SIB 6X5-13

240 m³ / h

48m ua

75 kwb

1780rpm ua


SIB 6X5-12

196 m³ / h

48m ua

55 kwv

1780rpm ua


SIB 5X4-14

149 m³ / h

61m ua

45 kwb

1760rpm ua


PAB 5X4-12

120 m³ / h

40m ua

37 kwg

1760rpm ua


PAB 5X4-11

112 m³ / h

45m ua

30 kwg

1760rpm ua


PAB 5X4-10

105 m³ / h

30 m

22 kwv

1750rpm ib


SIB 4X3-13

80 m³ / h

45m ua

22 kwv

1750rpm ib


SIB 4X3-11

55 m³ / h

45m ua

15 kwv

1750rpm ib


SIB 3X2-12

28 m³ / h

45m ua

11 kwv

1750rpm ib


SIB 3X2-11

25 m³ / h

35m ua

7,5 kwv

1750rpm ib


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Lus Cim: Specifications ntawm 60HZ

Cov neeg siv khoom

AIPU yog API Q1. API RP 13C UAS. ISO9001. ISO 14001. ISO 18001. thiab EAC cov chaw tsim khoom pom zoo. Raws li tag nrho AIPU cov neeg siv zog peb cov khoom tau pab cov neeg siv ntau tshaj 30 lub teb chaws lossis cheeb tsam. Peb cov khoom tau txais cov lus pom zoo los ntawm peb cov neeg siv khoom tsis tu ncua thiab tshiab.